Leveraging their strengths and complimentary services, AWT Environmental and Summit Drilling clients continue to benefit from high levels of execution and efficiency

AWT and Summit successfully drilled and installed a large injection well field in Hudson County
Project Description: A carefully selected team from AWT Environmental Services and Summit Drilling installed an injection well field that required 33 double cased injection wells at a storage and recycling operation in Hudson County. Surface casings were installed and grouted into a Meadow Mat confining layer. The boreholes were then advanced through the casing to a target depth of approximately 40 ft. bgs. utilizing sonic drilling technology allowing for accurate screened interval placement. Once the target depth was achieved an injection well was installed in each borehole.
Recommended Approach: Senior project managers from both companies consulted the client in determining an approach that would safely mitigate concerns associated with low height clearances to high voltage overhead lines, as well as specific injection well locations on the site.
AWT and Summit were instrumental in designing the injection well field in collaboration with the environmental consulting firm. Utilizing sonic sampling techniques, all well locations were continuously logged to identify exact injection well screen intervals.
For low height clearance areas, mud rotary drilling was utilized as overhead utilities restricted the boom heights of the sonic rigs. Other safety precautions were developed due to a heavily active work site with truck and forklift traffic.
Results: As proposed, the drilling, installation of the well field and the subsequent execution of the injection program was completed effectively, efficiently and safely.
Stay tuned for more information about this strategic alliance, project reference site data and industry presentations highlighting this new capability.